
Network Learning Technology

NL6032 Advanced Seminar in Learning Theories

Learning sciences is an emerging interdisciplinary field that studies teaching and learning. It aims to provide a better understanding of cognitive and social processes that result in the most effective learning and to use this knowledge to redesign classrooms and other learning environments so that students can learn more deeply and more effectively. This course is designed for graduate students to provide an introduction to Learning sciences. In this course, important theoretic foundations and empirical studies in Learning sciences will be selected for class discussion. The students who take this course will be asked to complete a review regarding a topic in Learning sciences. Also, they are expected to complete a research proposal at the end of the semester. 

NL7041 Technology-Supported Education for Knowledge Creation and Innovation

This course is designed for graduate students. Through the study of this course, students will be able to: participants will be able to : 1. Be aware of the importance of collaborative knowledge creation and Innovation in modern society; be aware of the need in education for collaborative knowledge creation and Innovation; appreciate knowledge creation works and recognize themselves as knowledge creation works. 2. Have a sufficient understanding of Knowledge Building and how it has been applied in education for knowledge creation and innovation. 3. Actively engage in Knowledge Building communities and cultivate their literacy as knowledge creators and innovators. 4. Collaboratively design prototypes for technology-supported future learning focus on Knowledge Building in various educational contexts. 

NLA018 Research methods of e-learning 

This course is designed for graduate students to provide an introduction to research methods in e-learning. In this course, we will discuss basic concepts of educational research and e-learning. Also, important research methods frequently used in e-learning research (including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods) will be introduced. Moreover, the students who take this course will learn about each step in the process of educational research in e-learning, including formulating a research problem, literature review, generating research questions and hypotheses, research design, data collection, and analyses, drawing findings and conclusions, and they are expected to complete a research proposal at the end of the semester. 

NL7056 Learning Technology Design  

This course is specially designed for graduate students who major in learning technology. This course aims to gain participants’ understanding of the nature of learning technology, learner-centered design (LCD), and design thinking. To help participants get deep insights into learning technology, this course is divided into two major parts: conceptual understanding and design practice. By reading relevant literature, group-based discussion, and project-based activity, the participants are expected to have a basic understanding of the nature of learning technology, learner-centered design (LCD), and design thinking. Also, they have to apply their understanding into practice and complete a learning technology prototype design for a specific learning context (e.g., a learning website, a learning system, or an APP). 

NL6001 Seminar

This course is designed as a platform for graduate students to get insights into the research and the practice of e-learning. In each week, a researcher or expert in e-learning will be invited to give us a talk. After the talk, students will have the opportunity to discuss with the researcher or expert.

Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

IP2004 Design Thinking and Technology for Sustainability

This is a course that combines design thinking, sustainability, and technology. This course uses the design of sustainable technology to developing cross-disciplinary collaborative problem-solving skills while simultaneously developing technology design skills. This course aims to cultivate 21st-century Renaissance people. It is taught in the way of an "interactive workshop", integrates the core spirit of design thinking, and takes "educational board game design" as the content of the course. This course is not only an innovation in the design of educational board games, but also promotes Taiwan's education from being proficient in "subject content" to be proficient in "complex problem-solving", and other key survival capabilities in the 21st century.

CE2035 Informatics and social service

The purpose of this course is to train students to understand and establish the connection between their professional abilities related to information engineering and society, and through long-term social service learning, they can participate in solving problems and assistance related to information software and hardware in remote schools Adjacent to the promotion of information education in senior high schools, while carrying out social service learning practices, I reflect on my future professional learning goals. This course will be conducted using the middle school and practice-oriented project learning, and solve practical problems through group cooperation, hoping to achieve the educational goals of "training the professional ability of independent thinking", "Cultivate the spirit of mutual assistance of teamwork" and "cultivate the humanistic quality of service and caring", as well as the integration of soft power and hard power of students.

General Education 

GS4517 Social Innovation with Artificial Intelligence 

Through the study of this course, students will be able to: 1. Know the basic principles of artificial intelligence. 2. Know the existing applications of AI and its impact on society. 3. Debating the impact of existing applications of artificial intelligence on society. Fourth, know the main connotation of design thinking. 5. Be able to use design thinking to come up with the idea of applying artificial intelligence to solve social problems. 

GS3064 Design Thinking

This is a course that combines design thinking, media literacy, and educational board games. This course uses the design of educational board games to develop cross-disciplinary collaborative problem-solving skills while simultaneously developing educational board game design skills. This innovative teaching course with an "interactive workshop" aims to "recreate the Renaissance man".